RO will build on this solid foundation, contributing to the further understanding of the areas of interest.
The approach is interdisciplinary, combining perspectives from linguistics, literary studies, archaeology, history, anthropology, philosophy, sociology, culture and religion. The Journal provides high-quality academic research on the history, religions, art, culture, languages and literature of these regions. Rocznik Orientalistyczny (Yearbook of Oriental Studies), a semi-annual double-blind review journal has established a reputation for publishing original articles, as well as book reviews, on the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. Siberia Divisions of PAS Nauki Humanistyczne i Społeczne Coverage 114-140 Publisher The Committee of Oriental Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences and The Publishing House ELIPSA Date 2021.07.16 Type Article Identifier DOI: 10.24425/ro.2021.137248 Aims and scope LXXIV Numer No 1 Affiliation Ianbay, Iala : Yerusalem, Israel Authors Journal title Rocznik Orientalistyczny/Yearbook of Oriental Studies Yearbook 2021 Volume T.
A Krimchak Memoirs of the Russo-Japanese War